— Our Time has Come to Be Very Awake —

Sign Up to Receive a Gift of Resources To Penetrate Beyond the Outer Symptoms of Our Time

And Intuit Deeds for a Future Worthy of Our Humanity

Let us die to what needs to be surrendered so through our interactions we may be “made new” at this transitional turning point in time.

Discover Practical Insights and Applications for Community and Self Reflection, Affirmative Action and Re-direction:

The resources you’ll receive by signing in below provide imaginations that can speak to each one of us individually as we listen to the discerning conscience of our hearts as to what their content might ask of us. As we partake we might ask ourselves, “What habits need to be transformed or cultivated in my life so I can be a contribution to others and the world at this time? Am I congruent in thought, word, deed, and in the economics of my life?”

You’ll have an Opportunity to Explore: Personal and World Destiny and it’s Reflection in our Health and Economy

  • What is a virus in reality? What makes us susceptible?
  • How each thought, word, and deed shapes our individual futures and influences the future of our shared human experience.
  • How we all are responsible for conditions that lead to epidemics-pandemics
  • Gain a more in-depth understanding of the environmental dynamics of our current situation
  • What inner “postures” provide the best preventive and therapeutic medicine
  • How do we re-orientate ourselves in light of the economic signs of the time
  • What would a healthy economy look, feel, and behave like?
  • How we can assume responsibility to create conditions that foster a culture of well-being.
  • What we can do to be wakeful to our conscience and make heartfelt life changes.
The Connection between the Festivals of Whitsun, St. John’s Tide, and Michaelmas: Three Festivals that Support Us to Live into Our Future Becoming As you read and/or listen to the resources you’ll receive if you opt in below, you’re invited to consider how to make the content alive in your life. We’ll continue to reach out so we can take steps to support one another to evolve our current cultural, rights, and economic life to a future in alignment with our core needs and values.  Given that our economic transactions are a reflection of our individual and collective consciousness, how can we become influencers and examples as we learn how to create a more just economy that reflects mutuality and spiritual freedom?

Enter Your Email Address Below

to receive these gifts directly into your inbox

*By opting in, you’ll also receive follow up communications and events to help you integrate what you learn as we awaken together.

If you received notice Associate! or the Social Science Newsletter, about monthly Economic Meetings with Arthur Edwards and/or are interested to learn more please Contact Us.
*Tryptic Art Photography Credits: Left: Andreas Wohlfahrt, Center: Bob Fertig, Fertig Funeral Home, Right: by artist wal_172619 on Pixabay.com