Dr. Rudolf Steiner, describes Whitsun as the Festival of the Free Individuality. He also alluded to a World Whitsun where the fire of each individual is understood in the context of the whole of humanity.
Arthur Edwards described how the awakening to ourselves and the world is experienced first within an intimate sphere of influence. It is made visible through our economic life. Our consciousness and influence gradually widens to the whole of the world.
Focus Comments/Questions/Topics:
- The relationship between “Money as a reflection of consciousness” and Whitsun
- What is Money? When people speak about money, each person has a different intrepretation.
- Arthur provokes us to refrain from using the word Money, but to speak in specifics like what type of currency, cash, card, deposit, etc. Is it loan, gift, purchase?
- Distinctions between True and False or even Fake Money, Fakery and a Fake Paradigm
- Another provocation by Arthur is to un-encumber ourselves with the term “System” which isn’t congruent with the True Nature of Money. It behooves us to think of individual human beings.
- Arthur shared a diagram of the Structure and Processes of Accounting as a Unviversal Language; as a discernment tool when we speak to each other about our accounts.
- In meeting one another and speaking from our accounts, the Mystery of the “will” of the Other and of Ourselves is revealed. What have I to do with you? or you with me?