REPLAY: Unveiling the Heart of Our Economy

Highlights + Transcript:

“ Exactly at the point where you have the greatest capacity to do something, if that isn’t done – then a vacuum is created – and into that vacuum something else appears.” – Arthur Edwards quoting Dr. Christopher Houghton Budd.

Some of what You’ll Learn:

  • We form the Heart and Pulse of our Economy through our Transactions.
  • How We Each Contribute to the Health or Illness of our Economy
  • What it REALLY Means to Awaken Together
  • Why it’s Important to Understand the True Nature of Money
  • A New Approach Beyond Local Exchanges and Centralized World Exchanges
  • Destiny Discovery of Self and Community through Finance
  • Being Awake at the Threshold in Our Economic Transactions
  • The Separation of Money into Three Distinct Processes
  • New Capacities and Thoughts are Needed To Meet Today’s World Circumstances
  • What is True Money? and What is False Money?
  • How Does Cryptocurrency Figure in Finance?
  • Current World Debt and Our Relationship to it
  • From Competition to Trust in One Another
  • Why Banks are becoming Obsolete

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We are so grateful that you’ve shown up.
We need each other more than ever.

Let’s make this Step-Change together. We have everything we need now. We find our resourcefulness through meeting each other.

Jane and Vivianne