St. John's Tide Gathering

To Integrate Associative Economics in Our Lives and Initiatives: Come Prepared to Share and Ask Questions

With Arthur Edwards and Friends

Online via Zoom: Sunday June 20th

11:30 PST, 2:30 pm EST, 7:30 pm London for 90 Minutes

To make progress towards an associative economy, we first need a cohered vision of what an associative economy is. – Arthur Edwards 

Join Us!

On Sunday, June 20th, the day before the Summer Solstice and 3 days before the little known festival of St. John’s Tide, you’re invited to join a Zoom bonfire-like visioning conversation.

Keywords for this Time of Year:

  • Conscience as Compass
  • Perception of a Larger-Higher Perspective
  • Humbling Ourselves to Best Serve and Connect with that which Unites Us

Purification of the Past: Opening to the New

In the past, at this time of year, people would meet around a bonfire and take turns hopping over the fire to cleanse and purify themselves and make room for the new.

Arthur has made us aware over the past year, there is much we need to cleanse and purify to strip ourselves of an untrue economic paradigm and have the courage and trust to “step into” an associative collaborative one!

The aim for this upcoming meeting is to integrate what we’ve learned in our meetings with Arthur so we can begin to create a shared understanding. We’ll then be able to take more practical steps in the autumn.  

Come Prepared to Share

We’d like to hear from as many of you as possible, give Arthur ample time to respond.  and see what kind of dialogue emerges among us. We may not have time to hear from everyone, so we’ll trust that those who do share will be a contribution to the rest of us.

Choose what is most alive, present, or pressing for you from the following:

  • Your Initiative or Interest
  • Your Relationship to Associative Economics 
  • Your Biggest Challenge to Understand or Implement Associative Economics
  • Your Reflections, Questions, or what’s most Impactful from what Arthur has shared so far (see link below) or from what you know about Associative Economics 

Criteria for Participation

One or More of the Following:

  • Some familiarity of Rudolf Steiner’s Economic Lectures
  • Past attendance of one or more of the events with Arthur Edwards or Economic Conference Events
  •  Review of the recording(s) or transcript(s)of past events with Arthur which you can access HERE
  • Other background that gives you an introduction to Associative Economics
  • Or come to purely listen and learn!

Register Below and Choose an Offering

Your contributions make this and other events possible with an infrastructure that can serve us all.

Everyone who registers will receive access to the recording (providing all goes as planned:)  

Please, Fill out the Form to Reserve your Seat